"Passion. An indispensible ingredient to great BBQ. Passion led us to win the 2008 American Royal Invitational BBQ contest. We pour that BBQ passion into every bottle of Amberque, a golden bbq and dipping sauce with a perfect tangy blend of sweet and spice. It's great on pork, chicken, ham, sausage or as a pretzel dip. Its versatility will feed your creativity. Thanks for giving us a try: drop us a note at http://www.joeymacbbq.com/ to let us know how you enjoy Amberque."
"Sharing our passion for BBQ"
Joey Mac
The above is the text on the bottle, and it sums up what we've tried to do. Now the fun begins...getting people to buy it, and then their friends, and their aunts and uncles...you get the picture. Hawgeyes of course will have have it available (www.hawgeyesbbq.com ). Give it a try.
Anyway, we're heading down a new path, we'll see where we go!!!